BAPP's Houston Black Theatre Week is proud to present Vincent Victoria Presents, Mr. Booker T at the Door. Booker T Washington is the most famous black man in America in 1901 and receives an invitation to dinner at the White House with President Roosevelt. While in DC, Booker stays with a prominent African American family, The McKinlay's. Tensions arise because of the opposing views offered on how to advance the black race in a time of strict segregation in the US.
Vincent Victoria Presents believes in engaging audiences with performances that make them think thoughtfully, laugh longer, and feel more. Vincent Victoria Presents takes you on an artistic and historical adventure through the African American Experience that guarantees an emotional resonance with a captivating performance. Our mission at Vincent Victoria Presents is to provide thought provoking, original, and entertaining theatrical works that are inspired by the rich historical moments from the African Diaspora. These works will educate and enlighten the global community about African American culture and the vast contributions that have been made by African Americans.